Public Webinar Early Detection of COVID19

Last updated: 24 July 2020  |  09:39

Atma Jaya Hospital in collaboration with BP Jamsostek held a webinar on July 23, 2020 with the theme
"Early Detection of COVID-19 As Early Protection for Workers' Productivity" will be presented by doctors from
Atma Jaya Hospital, namely Dr. Jullyanny Waty Wijaya, SpPK who is a clinical pathology specialist.
The second theme was "Understanding BPJS Ketenagakerjaan Protection for Indonesian Workers"
by the BP Jamsostek team.

The webinar took place in an orderly manner, and was attended by approximately 60 participants, mostly office workers,
the event was more or less filled with material, question and answer sessions and distribution of serology vouchers for participants who got lucky.

The webinar is expected to increase public awareness of the spread of COVID-19 in the workplace, know how to detect whether it has been infected, how to do a correct checkup at the hospital, and understand what protection BPJS Ketenagakerjaan can cover.
