Public Seminar - Back Pain
Last updated: 14 September 2020 | 08:27
Atma Jaya Hospital held a webinar on September 12, 2020 with the theme "Back Pain - Prevention, Treatment, and Needed Therapy" which will be presented by a doctor from Atma Jaya Hospital, namely dr. Andre, SpS who is a neurologist, and dr. Jane M. Pelealu, SpKFR who is a doctor of Medical Rehabilitation from Atma Jaya Hospital.
The webinar was conducted in an orderly manner, and was attended by approximately 100 participants, most of whom were ordinary people,
The arrangement of the program was more or less filled with materials, question and answer sessions and distribution of serology vouchers for lucky participants.
It is hoped that the webinar will provide knowledge to the public about various back pain, how to prevent it, how to properly treat it, and the right time to have a health checkup when the pain level has reached a certain stage.